Full Description
The Detrusor Muscle
Urge Incontinence, also known as Overactive Bladder, that sudden, overpowering urge to use the bathroom, happens when the Detrusor muscle, which surrounds the bladder, experiences spasms or contractions when it isn’t supposed to. These spasms can dramatically impact a woman’s quality of life in a number of ways:
– that urgent “gotta go” feeling
– waking up frequently to go to the bathroom
– It can even cause a complete loss of bladder control.
The Pelvic Floor
The pelvic floor muscles act as a hammock across the pelvis, holding the pelvic organs in place. When the pelvic floor muscles are strong, they prevent bladder leakage by applying pressure to the urethra to stop the leakage. However, as we age, bear children, or engage in strenuous activities, those muscles can lose their strength and tone. They are no longer up to the task of instantly regulating the flow of urine simply because they aren’t strong enough.
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