Compass App for iOS



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Compass is an innovative, flexible, and robust software AAC solution. Compass is an AAC software solution that offers a full-breadth of pre-stored communication, built-in supports and many other tools for communication and support.


Full Description

The Compass app provides a research-based communication solution for individuals of all ages and abilities who cannot use their natural voice to participate in their everyday lives. In addition to the exciting and dynamic communication options available at your fingertips, the Compass app uses the cloud technology to manage and update your communication pages anytime and anywhere

With the ability to quickly customize your communication pages, Compass provides all individuals, no matter their age or communication level, the power to communicate with everyone who is important in their life. Containing the largest variety of communication content available in any AAC solution, Compass provides pagesets structured to address the unique needs of individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, aphasia, apraxia, Down syndrome, developmental disabilities, ALS, Stroke, and Traumatic Brain Injury, as well as other communication challenges.

In addition to the exciting and dynamic communication options available at your fingertips, the Compass app uses the cloud technology to manage and update your communication pages anytime and anywhere. Compass seamlessly connects with your free, personal account which gives you access to teaching and therapy supports, the ability to share content between family, therapist, other users, and other members of the support team, as well as backup and restore your communication files.

Cognitive Abilities

This device is appropriate for people who want or need to communicate with the world around them. For independent use, individuals must understand that words and actions have impact. Given the ability to access the internet, supervised use is recommended for children and individuals unable to appreciate the permanency of their digital communication.

Functional Abilities

This device is designed for people with enough trunk and limb control to tap a screen, operate a switch scan or head mouse or use a keyboard with or without keyguards. Users with limited or no vision require sufficient hearing to compensate with available audio feedback.


This device is designed for both indoor and outdoor use.


Aside from communicating basic wants and needs, this device is designed with the user’s social agenda in mind. Its perfect for reading books, playing games, watching sports/Netflix, and connecting with friends and family via email, and social media. Its portability makes it ideal for school, travel, and daily outings like shopping and dining out.

Please speak with your healthcare provider and schedule an in-person consultation before purchasing this product, to evaluate whether it is truly the best option for you.


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Tobii Dynavox
Tobii Dynavox specializes in Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Their range of products span software and hardware designed to enable people with disabilities communicate effectively through touch screen or eye-control.
Price Not Available
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