Legend 2000

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Legend 2000



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Cognitive Abilities

For safe use, users must understand cause + effect (action = result). Independent use requires directional understanding (i.e. moving control in one direction results in matching chair movement), problem solving (i.e. combine + time movements to get from A to B), and judgment (ability to learn that if something is unsafe they should not do it).

Functional Abilities

Users must have adequate vision and be able to grip and maneuver handlebars while simultaneously using the finger control forward/reverse levers. This chair is best for people with limited endurance, cardiopulmonary disease, and obesity. The overall stability of having 4 wheels makes it the ideal scooter for people with balance issues. This scooter may be unsafe for those with visual deficits and uncontrolled seizures.


This device can be used both indoors and outdoors. The stability provided by 4 wheels allows users to navigate rugged terrain with ease like gravel, wet grass, and loose dirt. Many models can handle steep hills and curbs.


Given its stability on rugged terrain, this scooter is ideal for outdoor activities like hiking, fruit-picking, and traversing the varied terrain of college/work campuses. While full sized scooters can be bulky to travel with, this one is best for sightseeing on grass, gravel, and cobblestone. Its also good for indoor activities where there is adequate space for maneuvering.

Please speak with your healthcare provider and schedule an in-person consultation before purchasing this product, to evaluate whether it is truly the best option for you.


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