Maestro Rehab

Base Price



Maestro Rehab



Base Price


Maestro Rehab lessens the pull of gravity on a patient’s arms, allowing them to work longer without fatigue. With industry-leading range of motion, Maestro helps return freedom to patients with injuries and neuromuscular challenges.

ADLs (Activities of Daily Living)
Using a Computer
Using a Phone
ABI (Acquired Brain Injury)
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
MD (Muscular Dystrophy)
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
SCI (Spinal Cord Injury)

Cognitive Abilities

This device requires the user to have intact spatial awareness, or an ability to understand how they relate to objects, people, and surroundings at home or out in the community. For example, the user needs to know how far to reach for objects or how to position themselves relative to something or someone they wish to interact with.

Functional Abilities

This device is intended to return near full-rang of motion for people with upper arm weakness preventing them from raising their hand(s) above their head. Users must be, at a minimum, able to grasp objects with hands and, at max, raise a full water bottle to their mouth (Cliniccal note: ideal for clients scoring 3-5 (Brooke UE Scale) and Level of Function 2 (Chedoke-McMaster Stroke Asses.).


When attached to a wheelchair, this device is intended to be used both indoors and outdoors.


This device is intended to be used for a broad range of activities. By augmenting the user’s available upper arm function, it can be used for almost any activity the user wants or needs to do including: playing with pets, handshaking, shaving, shopping, cellphone/tablet use, unlocking and opening doors, holding books while reading, dining and more.