Multi-Level MessageMate 40/300

Base Price


Multi-Level MessageMate 40/300




Base Price

Enable Ireland provides equipment for loan to professionals working in the disability field for use with their clients and for their own professional training. We cannot be held responsible for any injury, harm or negative experience that a user might have with any item on loan from Enable Ireland. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure they have the requisite knowledge and training to correctly support their clients in the appropriate use of each item borrowed. We strongly advise that guidance be sought from a suitably qualified professional to ensure the appropriate selection and use of all loan devices. Members are encouraged to use the Peer Support feature, read the information from the relevant links provided, and to borrow items for their own training prior to attempting to support a client with an item if they are not fully familiar with that item.


Please speak with your healthcare provider and schedule an in-person consultation before purchasing this product, to evaluate whether it is truly the best option for you.


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Full Description

Enable Ireland provides equipment for loan to professionals working in the disability field for use with their clients and for their own professional training. We cannot be held responsible for any injury, harm or negative experience that a user might have with any item on loan from Enable Ireland. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure they have the requisite knowledge and training to correctly support their clients in the appropriate use of each item borrowed. We strongly advise that guidance be sought from a suitably qualified professional to ensure the appropriate selection and use of all loan devices. Members are encouraged to use the Peer Support feature, read the information from the relevant links provided, and to borrow items for their own training prior to attempting to support a client with an item if they are not fully familiar with that item.

This communication device features a 40 key keyboard (3/4″ square keys), direct selection and scanning (including auditory scanning input, high quality speech recording and playback, and the ability to store messages on four levels. Users can change levels through the keyboard itself. The Multi-Level MessageMate 40/300 has five minutes of recording time (300 seconds). Keys can be combined to create larger keys. Operated by rechargeable battery which allows use of one-to-months on a charge. This communication devices can be used by an individual in many situations e.g. clinical or classroom use.


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