Wheelzahead Track III Rollator

Base Price



Wheelzahead Track III Rollator



Base Price


A unique rollator with a patented groundbreaking design. Lightweight, compact, and loaded with convenient features. An ADP Approved Type 3 rollator that keeps you moving in complete comfort. A folding frame makes this product perfect for travel or storage.



Wheelzahead USA





Full Description

A unique rollator with a patented groundbreaking design. Lightweight, compact, and loaded with convenient features. An ADP Approved Type 3 rollator that keeps you moving in complete comfort. A folding frame makes this product perfect for travel or storage.

Cognitive Abilities

Device users must be able to understand the environment and their relationship to it. Intact spatial awareness allows users to safely navigate their surroundings without bumping into people and objects and adjust their speed/use their breaks as needed (on inclines, uneven surfaces etc.). This device is not recommended for people with balance and/or visuospatial perceptual disorders.

Functional Abilities

Independent use of this device requires functional use of both arms. While users can have reduced strength, they must be able to grip with their hands and have purposeful movement in their arms. Users must also have strength in both legs and be able to walk independently. This device is appropriate for people who can balance, but need a place to sit frequently for breaks, or need help carrying necessities.


Four wheeled rollators can be used both indoors and outdoors. Devices with wheels that are greater than 8” in diameter are better for rough terrain. Smaller wheels can be used outdoors, but function better on smooth and level surfaces.


This device is intended to compensate for and improve restricted walking (range and/or mobility). It is ideal for activities that have limited access to seating for breaks (outdoor walks/shopping) or require the user to carry multiples objects while walking (shopping/running errands). Their front swivel wheels provide excellent maneuverability indoors and in smaller spaces like elevators and public washrooms.

Please speak with your healthcare provider and schedule an in-person consultation before purchasing this product, to evaluate whether it is truly the best option for you.


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CA$ 399.99
Funding Sources
ADP (Assistive Devices Program) Ontario
ADP is Ontario's Assistive Devices funding program.

Product Code: AA0001235
Covered Price: CA$ 417
Category: Mobility Devices – Ambulation Aids – Adult Wheeled Walker Type 3″


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