Picture of Paul van der Vorst

Paul van der Vorst

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Articles By Paul van der Vorst

Educational Article

With the holiday season fast approaching and Black Friday just around the corner; if shopping for gifts isn’t at the top of your list of things to do, it soon will be! For many of us, the pandemic has thrown a wrench in our typical approach for the hard-to-buy-for people in our lives, mindlessly strolling the mall until we find something. However, if that hard-to-buy-for person happens to use a wheelchair, you’re in luck, as we have 5 wheelchair accessories that would make the perfect holiday gift!

Educational Article

You reach out for the milk to find that there is only an ounce or so left. You sigh audibly. How did you forget to put milk on your list? Your daughter dropped off groceries yesterday, you don’t feel right sending her back to the store again today. You look down at your chair and then to the house keys hanging by the front door. The convenience store is only three blocks away, but you haven’t ventured further than your mailbox in the lobby. You wonder if you’re ready.

Educational Article

Living in a wheelchair can make everyday tasks feel like a chore. Simple things, like traveling on public transit and navigating small corridors, can be challenging at the least. But technology is evolving at lightning speed — and many of today's tech solutions facilitate wheelchair independence. Whether you want to travel, go shopping, dine out, or find accessible locations, there's an app for that.

Educational Article

There are so many people in a wheelchair who inspire us to make the most out of difficult circumstances. As technology continues to advance, the opportunities to build inspiring stories of our own are advancing as well.. Today, for example, you can purchase a wheelchair power drive add-on to make life with a manual wheelchair much more freeing. In this article, we explore three major ways that a wheelchair power add-on can greatly improve your quality of life.

Educational Article

Getting out and about is healthy and necessary, but doing that with a disability is not so easy. Throw a worldwide pandemic in the mix, and staying cooked up at home becomes the new normal. Unless we’re willing to explore some new hobbies that get us out the house while still maintaining social distance, and ideally while maintaining as much independence as possible.

Educational Article

For people living with disabilities, some of the greatest challenges lie in everyday activities like opening and closing the blinds, turning on the lights or turning off the TV. There are many things in daily life that home-automation can make easier for people with mobility or muscle control impairments. Here’s a list of home automation devices, and how they can improve the lives of people with disabilities.

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Educational Article

“She’s now wheelchair-bound.” “They’ve been confined to a wheelchair for three years.” When we wheelchair users are spoken of, phrases like these are sometimes used -- reflecting the way that some feel about this vital piece of equipment that we rely on. It is seen an instrument of imprisonment, holding us down, keeping us from living full lives. In reality, it is our chairs that give us mobility and independence. Examining the genesis of the wheelchair and how far it has come may help change the way that it is perceived.

Educational Article

The first time I went swimming while disabled was about three years after my spinal cord injury. By this time, I had sat in several clothing-optional hot tubs in the little hippie town we lived in and I was getting more comfortable with being in the water, so trying to swim while disabled seemed to be the obvious next step. It would be years before I got into another pool and tried swimming while disabled again.

Educational Article

We fully believe in and support patient (or client)-centred practice where the patient is at the centre as the most important and in control of what happens next. A key part of this and a part of you being in charge of your own healthcare, is being informed. So today, we are going to review patient rights in Ontario including some real-life examples!
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History of the Wheelchair

History of The Wheelchair

“She’s now wheelchair-bound.” “They’ve been confined to a wheelchair for three years.” When we wheelchair users are spoken of, phrases like these are sometimes used — reflecting the way that some feel about this vital piece of equipment that we rely on. It is seen an instrument of imprisonment, holding us down, keeping us from living full lives. In reality, it is our chairs that give us mobility and independence. Examining the genesis of the wheelchair and how far it has come may help change the way that it is perceived.

Swimming While Disabled

Swimming While Disabled: Body of Water

The first time I went swimming while disabled was about three years after my spinal cord injury. By this time, I had sat in several clothing-optional hot tubs in the little hippie town we lived in and I was getting more comfortable with being in the water, so trying to swim while disabled seemed to be the obvious next step. It would be years before I got into another pool and tried swimming while disabled again.

Healthcare law and patient rights

Patient Rights in Ontario, Canada

We fully believe in
and support patient (or client)-centred practice where the patient is at the centre as the most
important and in control of what happens next. A key part of this and a part of you being in
charge of your own healthcare, is being informed. So today, we are going to review patient
rights in Ontario including some real-life examples!

Wheelchair on Sidewalk

Why You Should Watch These Great Disability Documentaries

I watched my first disability documentary in 2005, about five years after I became a wheelchair user. I was riveted. I barely moved my body for the next hour and a half, my transfer forgotten as people who looked like me filled the screen. I had never seen so many wheelchair users on screen at one time before. I felt like I was gorging on something I hadn’t even known I was starving for. My worries about what the film would be like were swamped by how good it felt to be immersed in a world of media where I didn’t feel like I was a square peg fitting myself into a round hole. I thought, Why didn’t I start watching this stuff earlier?
